Webcomics AS Product

No what matter business you are trying to create, the one thing I think it boils down to is the product. In my case it is a comicbook story. The comic product is comprised of two things, 'word' and 'picture' that add into one*, 'experience'. So unless you are selling a necessity ( water, food, shelter ) that's exactly what you are selling ( and even those are sold as experience ). The product ( experience ) must be completely considered. It needs to be well thought out, including plot, art style, colors, dialogue. If you want people to part with their well earned money to support what you produce you have to consider every little thing ... I mean I am talking every little prop that shows in the background**. Do everything you can to enrich the story. Think about it would you part with your money for ok stuff, good stuff or great stuff? In my opinion, to have the best chance for success the product must be of the highest quality.
* Check out Scott McCloud's book 'Understanding Comics", I have read it 6 times already, I highly recommend it!
** Props are usually very carefully considered for movies, a good example is 'Citizen Kane'
Lastly, I want to note that I have started a second blog called Fish Story. It just seemed more appropriate to separate the art & story & personal notes from the business end here at this SoulCanon blog so I created a behind the scenes blog. Besides some subscribers might like the content separated into two discernible feeds. I would also like to note that this blog will go to a 3x a week posting schedule ( M, W, F )
Later gator!
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