Webcomics Marketing Strategies : Giveaways
Free Giveaways
Part of a 13 part series: Exploring Webcomics Marketing Strategies
Free giveaways have been a staple of the internet business model since its inception ( Free email addresses, free searches, free etc etc ). This has been no different for webcomics. Webcomics have been giving away the work on their front page for years and its been successful, people like comics and well, they're free. The 'If you build it they will come' business model has worked very well in a few certain ways. However, since then a 'tsunami' of webcomics has flooded the market. Attention is a much more difficult to achieve. One of the ways to get more attention is free givaways. This may seem silly, in light of all that has been given by the big websites, however it can work very well with a little imagination. You just have to be creative and innovative...
Here are a couple of sites that gave me a spark:
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